Saturday, May 8, 2010


Hi all! There is a lot happening at Servant Leaders International! Here is our news:

Our next Servant Leaders Team Meeting is coming up next weekend, Saturday, May 15th at 2:00. Please plan to be there until approximately 3:45. Contact SLI at if you can attend, and bring anyone who might be interested in joining our team!

This is the date, according to our calendar, that your deposit is due for your participation in the trip. The deposit amount is $400. For those of you who missed our first meeting, we have changed the dates of the trip to August 30 - Sept. 14, 2010. If you don't have the money ready yet, please have it in as soon as possible, and talk with me to make arrangements. The sooner the money comes in, the sooner we can buy plane tickets at a good price.

There are some other exciting developments. We have connected with a man from a local Rotary club who is connected in Zimbabwe. He has found a possible way for us to acquire GRAIN and possible even SEED for this area for FREE. We would only have to pay for fuel and transport, which would mean either having to raise less, or having more to spend on delivery rather than the staple food. If they won't provide seed, we will have more money to purchase it, as it is VERY expensive (4 times the amount of grain).

We are working on getting our flight costs down by choosing an alternative airline. If, however, you know of business people or family members who are frequent flyers, ask them to donate their miles to SLI. We can use them to defray costs or transport people who can't otherwise raise enough to go. This is a great way to support our work!!

Steve and I will be offering lemonade and blended mocha drinks at Estrella Mountain Church tomorrow. If any of you who attend this church would like to purchase donuts, muffins and danish for sale, buy them at Safeway early Sunday morning. (Remember, it's Mother's Day, so get there early!) We will have a table between services and after the second service. All donations will be pooled and go towards the September humanitarian relief project.

Also, if you want to conduct a garage sale or bake sale in the next week or two, our driveway is available for your use, just let us know! We can discuss putting together a car wash, using the parking lot of the church near our house on 107th -- we will need help with advertising our car wash and help with planning. We can all get out there and wash some cars for the cause!


Even if you are not sure you can go with us on this trip, please attend the meeting to find out what our future plans are, and to help us spread the word! We have an exciting project in development that could mean not only grain and seed, but WATER to the schools in this region. We can't wait to share all that is happening at SLI.

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